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Guard dog services

3 Reasons Guard Dogs Are Great at Security

There is a lot of advancements in security,  but what about the more traditional options? Guard dogs have proved to be a failsafe option for security for a long time and will continue.

They’re not called man’s best friend for nothing. So, why are dogs great at security and ensuring your safety? Here are the 3 reasons:

1. Incredibly intelligent animals

Dogs are animals that are intelligent. They’re able to sense our emotions and voice. Dogs can detect danger, and the breeds that are guard dogs aren’t afraid to do something about it.

2. Ability to react quickly

When it comes to agility and immediate response, dogs are the best animals you can depend on. Their natural instincts are to sense any unusual movement that causes them to bark. Their hearing and smelling sense are way more heightened than humans.

3. Exceptionally courageous and brave

Guard dogs are courageous when it comes to protecting their master. Sometimes even the bravest men will be intimidated when there is a man with a stick in his hand approaching him. Where else, guard dogs are not scared of this kind of threat. Certain dogs such as the German Shepherd are willing to risk their own life for their master.

Type of dogs used for security service

These dogs are differentiated by the type of training regimen provided.

1. Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs are dogs that bark and alert the owner to intruders in the premise. But they are not trained to attack the intruders. These kinds of dogs are usually the ones we have at home with minimal training.

2. Guard Dogs

Guard Dogs ward off threats and are ready to attack the intruders when a need arises. They will bark to defend their trainers/owners. Guard dogs need specific training to do their job and only a few breeds are capable of this. (e.g., German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman)

3. Police Dogs

Police Dogs go through extensive training by the police force to carry out certain types of roles. The roles include search & rescue, drugs/explosive sniffing, and sniffing out dead bodies.

Ready to secure your place?

At Black Gold Security, we understand the need for guard dogs in creating a safer world. We provide trained guard dogs service to ensure that you and those around you are protected.

Contact us and we would be happy to discuss your needs in security.

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