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Security Guard Johor on duty

4 Important Roles of Security Guards

The need for security has always existed since the beginning of mankind. Although the dangers and threats are different then and now, being safe and secure is still a basic need.

Abraham Maslow in his ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ identified safety and security as basic human needs. This is right above physiological needs such as air, food, water and shelter.

Due to its importance, we are always finding various means to keep us and our properties safe and secure.

In the early days, Governments introduced Police to enforce the law and maintain peace and order. With the expansion of private businesses and establishments, private security was also introduced. Since then, security officers or guards have played an important role in keeping us safe.

Prevent crimes

One prominent role that security guards play in our society is in the prevention of crime realm.

The crime statistics posted by the Department of Statistics recorded a total of 83,456 crimes in the year 2019. Of this, almost 67,000 crimes were property crimes such as break-ins and thefts.

That’s a number that we should work towards reducing. While police are doing a great job in curbing such activities, security guards function as eyes and ears for the police.

Security guards supplement the law enforcement agencies. And we should view their work as a division of labour.

Guards patrolling and monitoring security cameras will spot suspicious activities and intruders. At times their mere visible presence helps prevent and deter crimes.

Respond to emergencies

Even in the best-prepared businesses, emergencies can occur. Hence, being able to respond well to emergencies is crucial.

Emergencies can occur in many different forms, from accidents to natural disasters. And each such emergencies need a different level of preparedness and response. A well-trained guard should be quick on the feet to handle such emergencies. For instance, in a fire accident, security guards will assess the threat and contact the fire department. Then, assist staff to evacuate the building or facility to a safe assembly point.

Fight against pandemic

Security guards are often primary respondents in emergency situations. They have also been on the front lines of the fight against the recent coronavirus outbreak.

The fight against such viral outbreaks needs strict adherence to safety measures. Malaysia has set strict guidelines for us to operate in a safer environment.

During a pandemic, security guards are at the forefront making sure that people’s health is not compromised. Their expanded scope includes temperature checks, occupancy management, MySejahtera checks and compliance to facemask-wearing.

These extra steps help reduce the transmission of the virus and go a long way in the fight against the pandemic

Access control

Primarily, security guards play a crucial role to prevent threats and report incidents. But security guards also help in directing traffic, controlling access and enforcing rules.

Access control is important as it prevents trespassers and wrongdoers from entering the premises. Guards will allow only authorized personnel to enter in an orderly manner.

These provide the occupants peace of mind to carry out their day-to-day work without worry of external threats.

Looking to hire security guards service?

Security needs today are evolving. Guards should adapt to this evolving need while maintaining its primary focus.

Black Gold Security is a security company in Johor that is always working on creating a safer world.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and find out how we can meet your security needs.