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Security Guard Johor on duty

5 Essential Characteristics of a Great Security Guard

Security guards are responsible for the safety of their clients’ people and assets. Regardless of whether these guards are working in a residential area or commercial building, they should be at the top of their game while securing their area. All security service providers should be mindful about who they employ for this significant role.

So, what makes some security guards stand out from the rest? To answer this, let us dive into some of the characteristics of a great security guard.


Honesty and integrity are at the very core of the security profession. Security guards are often in possession of special access codes, master keys, and sensitive data. A dishonest security guard puts your business at risk.

Questions to test on integrity should be posed during the interview and should be given added weightage when considering an applicant for the job.

Background checks are also an important part of the hiring process. It helps you to ensure that you are not hiring someone who has a history of dishonest or criminal activity.


A good security guard is aware of his or her surroundings. They are alert, focused, and not distracted. A sense of awareness and alertness can help them determine if a situation or a person is a threat.

Security guards must always be on the lookout for suspicious activity or unusual behaviour. They can judge the situation and make a quick decision to manage it

Strong Communication Skills

Security guards must be able to communicate with residents, employees, customers, and other people on a site. Good security guards should also have strong written skills. This will allow him or her to document each incident in a concise and accurate manner.

Strong communication skills help ensure things run smoothly and efficiently while on the job.

Leadership & Team player

Knowing when to lead, as well as when to follow the rules, is a crucial quality a security guard must-have. A good security guard can judge and think fast without recklessness and take control of a situation. They have a clear head and do not rush into a situation without thinking first about the consequences.

Security guards must be team player. They must be able to collaborate with others and respect the ideas and opinions of colleagues. Good security guards will also know when to follow orders, and when it is appropriate to assert themselves. They are willing to step up in times of need.

Knowledgeable & Skilled

Security guards must be able to learn the rules and regulations of a particular site. They need to understand procedures, so they know the proper protocol when a situation arises. They also need to be willing to uphold those procedures even in situations when it is difficult or inconvenient to do so.

A good security guard is knowledgeable about threats and risks to the people, assets and safety of their site. And has the skills to identify vulnerabilities and use effective and efficient countermeasures.

Looking to hire security guards service for your place?

These are 5 essential characteristics that good security guards must have for enhanced business security.

Black Gold Security is a leading security company in Johor. We hire and train security guards to possess these traits to give exceptional security services and assurance to our clients.

We provide a wide variety of security services in Johor for residential and commercial clients. Contact us today to learn more about our services and find out how we can meet your security needs