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Security Decision maker

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Security Company

Choosing a security guard company is a challenging task. You have to take many factors into consideration before making the final decision.

Here a list of questions you should ask before choosing a security guard company.

1. Is the security company licensed & insured?

It is important that you don’t assume that a security company is licensed. All security companies operating in Malaysia must obtain a Private Agency License from Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) under Private Agency License Act.

The security company must also have public liability insurance. If the company does not have insurance, the liability could fall on you. You should request the company to provide you with their latest insurance policy. You should also check if they have a valid license through KDN website here.

2. Do they train their security guards?

Hiring security guards can help keep your property safe. They will be able to handle any threats that come about and be an asset in emergency situations. But how can you be sure that the security guards are trained to respond to these issues? Get specific with questions about the training process since this is critical to your overall decision.

Remember, good security companies will welcome questions about their training program.

3. Can their services be customised to meet your needs?

Security guard services can never be a one-size-fits-all solution. Every business is unique and so are its security needs. The security company must assess the security risks and evaluates your security needs.

Security companies need to maintain the flexibility to tailor their services to the specific needs of yours.

4. Do they use technology?

Technology has disrupted industries completely changing the way they operate. Having the right technology is crucial to success. What kind of technology is being utilized for effective security guard management?

Real-time reporting is a technology that allows you to get notifications when there is an incident. This means that security companies can take steps to address the situation instantly.

5. How reliable is their customer services?

A reliable customer care service system should be prompt, helpful and professional. They must have a strong management team to back their guards up on a daily basis. Able to handle issues and complaints on time.

You should first make a call to their customer care services. Judge whether their customer care service system is reliable.

6. Do they regularly re-evaluate your security service?

There is no business that won’t grow over time. Change is constant. For a business, it may be space, employees, or the nature of the area surrounding the location. When these things change so will your security needs. Thus, it’s crucial to ask this question if your security guard company can keep up with it.

7. How do they monitor their guards?

It should not be your business’s responsibility to monitor the guard. Rather, the security company should handle monitoring the guards and supervising their work. Ask the company about what strategies they use to supervise their staff. What is their chain of command?

Knowing the answers to these questions can help you make sure the guards you hire will be productive.

Looking to hire security guards service for your place?

Using these questions can help you evaluate different security companies. It is essential to find a company that is dedicated to providing excellent service. At Black Gold Security, we have a passion for customer care, and we take no detail for granted

Contact us today to learn more about our services and find out how we can meet your security needs.

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