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Black Gold Security – Training on Techniques of Using Fire Extinguisher

On 27 March 2022, Black Gold Security’s team of 12 Security Officers underwent practical training on Techniques of Using Fire Extinguishers at Balai Bomba & Penyelamat Larkin, Johor Bahru.

The training was led and facilitated by 3 Fire Department Officers from Balai Bomba & Penyelamat Larkin with PBK II Mohd Haizrul bin Abd Rahmad as the lead trainer.

The training began with PBK II Mohd Haizrul bin Abd Rahmad explaining the types of fire extinguishers used in our country.

It was then followed by training on the right techniques for using such fire extinguishers and lessons on extinguishing fire in an open area.

The training also involved learning the methods of extinguishing the fire when gas in the kitchen is leaked and goes into flames.

Our team also went through a simulation training at Simulation Training Implementation Centre (STINC) of Balai Bomba & Penyelamat Larkin.

Finally, a fire drill was conducted to allow our team to apply their newly gained knowledge. The drill involved fire inside a building with our team leading the way to extinguish the fire and help the victims evacuate.

The training ended with presentation of certificate by PBK II Mohd Haizrul bin Abd Rahmad.

Professional development and training are part of Black Gold Security’s strategic priority as we strive to be the best security company in Johor. This training helped our team to understand techniques to extinguish fire and be better prepared in the event of an emergency.

This training was also featured on Balai Bomba & Penyelamat Larkin, Johor Bahru official Facebook page.

Black Gold Security is thankful to the heroes at Balai Bomba & Penyelamat Larkin, Johor Bahru not only for graciously facilitating our training but also for their sacrifices in keeping us safe.

About Black Gold Security

Black Gold Security provides security services ranging from security guards, mobile patrol, trained guard dogs, and security solutions. As a leading security services company in Johor, we provide integrated security solutions to match our clients’ security needs.

We specialize in securing factories and residential properties in Johor. We secure small and large premises using a combination of static and patrolling guards together with surveillance and other technology.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and find out how we can meet your security needs.