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5 cost effective ways to improve your home security

5 Cost-Effective Ways to Improve Your Home Security

Yes, we are working on creating a safer world. And there’s no better place to start than our homes.

This Covid-19 pandemic has kept us at home more often than we would want or has kept us away from our homes entirely. At home or not, it’s best to keep your property safe and secure.

Here are some tips that would increase the security of your home with little or no increase in cost.

1. Landscape with security in mind

As you walk around your property, look for areas that could be potential hiding spots for thieves. Try and clear away any overgrown grass or plants.

2. Ensure sufficient outdoor lighting

Having the area well lit would reduce security risks by improving visibility. This deters potential offenders by increasing the chances that they will be recognised or interrupted in the course of their activities.

3. Set a security routine

There are many instances where windows are left unsecured, giving burglars an easy path to enter. Make sure you establish a routine where you regularly lock all doors, secure windows and turn on your alarm system every time you leave your home or go to bed.

4. Secure sliding doors

Sliding door appears to be a common point of entry for burglars as they are easy to break in. Fit key-operated locks or patio bolts to all external sliding doors. Sliding doors can also be made more secure by inserting a wood or metal dowel into the track to limit movement.

5. Don’t leave clues of your absences

If you are away from home for some time, ensure there are no signs of your absence. For instance, having uncollected newspapers or mails are visible indications of a vacant house. Remember to hold your newspapers and have a friend or neighbour collect your mails while you are gone.

Ready to secure your home?

Knowing your family and home are safe would give you the peace of mind. Black Gold Security provides trained and professional security guards services in Johor. Our team has wide experience in securing residential properties.

Contact us and we would be happy to discuss ways to further improve your home security.

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