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security guard

‘Pak Guard’ a noble profession in need of its glory restored

By blackgold_admin-February 15, 2021 -No Comments

Closing an eye to the underpaying of guards’ wages by security companies, thinking it saves money, could lead to costly incidents arising from poor security

Mobile patrol unit

What Is Mobile Patrol Security and Its Top 4 Benefits

By blackgold_admin-January 21, 2021 -No Comments

Keeping your properties safe and secure is in the minds of many nowadays. Whether it’s a residential area, factory, commercial property, or your own home, securing your property is important. There are many methods to improve your security and one manner is mobile patrol. What is Mobile Patrol? Before

Security Decision maker

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Security Company

By blackgold_admin-December 11, 2020 -No Comments

Choosing a security guard company is a challenging task. You have to take many factors into consideration before making the final decision. Here a list of questions you should ask before choosing a security guard company. 1. Is the security company licensed & insured? It is important that you