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Mobile patrol unit

What Is Mobile Patrol Security and Its Top 4 Benefits

Keeping your properties safe and secure is in the minds of many nowadays. Whether it’s a residential area, factory, commercial property, or your own home, securing your property is important. There are many methods to improve your security and one manner is mobile patrol.

What is Mobile Patrol?

Before we jump into the term ‘Mobile Patrol’, let’s look at what ‘Patrol’ means.

Patrolling is the regular inspection of premises by an officer or a team of officers. It is the very heart of security activity. The role of a patrol officer differs from that of a static security guard. A patrol officer operates through a tour covering various locations. Whereas, a static security guard mans a fixed post or walks in a limited area.

Mobile Patrol is patrol done on a motorized vehicle.

It is a method of active guarding of assets and resources. It is one of the major means available to prevent and or detect criminal activities. Here are some reasons why Mobile Patrol is great in keeping your place secure.

1. Authoritative Presence

A mobile patrol unit is well marked. A clear, visible and identifiable security vehicle helps to deter crimes. It also instills confidence that the premise is secure. With their consistent movement around your premises, these well-marked vehicles provide strong deterrence. Residents, guests, staff and others will know that your property has security on-site. This provides you with a piece of mind knowing your place is secure.

2. Quick to respond

Quick response time is important to attend to emergencies and alarm responses. Mobile patrol units are always on the road and hence can respond faster. With the officers in a constant move, the nearest mobile patrol unit is dispatched to respond. This is a huge value add in securing all properties from residential, factories to hotels.

3. Flexibility

There’s no one size fits all approach in security. Every client’s security needs differ and Mobile Patrol provides that flexibility. A Mobile Patrol program can be customized to attend to the specific security needs. For instance, certain properties will need facilities checks. Mobile patrol officers can inspect facilities such as playground, pool and office. Others may need perimeter checks and the opening and closing of business premises. Mobile patrol also attends to disturbance and alarm responses. You can customize your mobile patrol program to address your security concerns.

Patrol time and frequency can also be set based on your desired needs. Homeowners away on holiday or work trip can schedule mobile patrol inspections while they are away.

4. Cost-effective

With its flexibility, mobile patrol security serves as a cost-effective security solution. The cost is lower if compared to having a permanent guard on site. Although their roles differ, mobile patrol brings great value at an affordable price. To summarize, mobile patrol units are a vital part of an effective security plan. It’s cost-effective and acts as a deterrent with its strong visual presence. The mobile patrol’s quick response safeguards your properties against potential threats.

Interested in Mobile Patrol service?

At Black Gold Security, we deploy visible and well-marked mobile patrol vehicles. Our mobile patrol serves as a deterrent to crime while instilling confidence that security is well-taken care of. We listen to your needs and customize our mobile patrol plan to best protect your assets and people.

Find out more about our Mobile Patrol or contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer your questions

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